This month's Valentine's Day recipe features dark chocolate avocado mousse parfaits. The avocado contains healthy
Omega-3 fatty acids, and makes our mousse silky and creamy. Dark chocolate contains heart-healthy antioxidants.
It is sweetened only with dates, another great source of disease-fighting antioxidants. We have chosen strawberries, oranges, and kiwi for good reason: iron absorption. Dark
chocolate is a good source of dietary iron (non-heme iron), but the body can only absorb non-heme iron
if iron-rich foods (like chocolate) are eaten with foods containing Vitamin C. Strawberry,
oranges, and kiwi are particularly rich sources of Vitamin C- so they allow the body to absorb the iron in the
chocolate mousse! Iron deficiency is a particular concern during teenage years. For a savory recipe with iron-rich
foods and Vitamin C, see our April 2012 recipe for Spinach Pesto Pepper Tarts.
Chocolate Avocado Mousse Parfaits Serves 3-4 Ingredients:
oz dark (70% or above)* chocolate 2 oz avocado (about ½ an avocado)
(make sure it is ripe, but not over-ripe) 3 dates stoned (or ½ cup chopped dates) 4-6 oz unsweetened almond
or rice milk* 2 tsp vanilla bean paste Strawberries,
Oranges, Kiwi (sliced thin)
Instructions: 1. Heat the chocolate with the milk, dates, and avocado (on low) until melted. 2. When ingredients are melted, place in a blender or small food processor. 3. While blending, add the vanilla and blend until smooth. 4. To
make parfaits, alternate layers between chocolate mousse and fruit. *The
health benefits of eating chocolate are only if you eat chocolate with 70% cocoa. Because children's taste buds are
sensitive to "bitter" tastes, you may need to start with 60% cocoa, and a greater amount of almond milk, and after
10 or more times, increase percentage of cocoa and reduce amt. of almond milk down to 4 oz.