can Halloween be healthy with all of that candy handed out at every doorstep? One year, while my kids were eagerly awaiting
nightfall so that they could go out and collect their "stash", I made a "quick" healthy whole grain pizza.
Not only is this recipe easy and quick to make if you have a food processor or mixer on hand, your kids will likely eat
it (and at least get something healthy in their tummies before the onslaught of sugar!) This recipe can also be adapted
to add vegetables in 3 different ways: on top (the obvious), hidden in the sauce, and mixed into the dough (as we did
in our "Frankenstein Pizza"). Hosting a halloween party for kids or teens? Why not set out an assortment
of veggies and let their imagines do the rest. The base recipe here has now become a staple in our household -
hopefully, it will be in yours too.