Beets are Vegetables with powerful Anti-Oxidants that neutralize Free Radicals
Beets juice is a brain-boosting food that may help prevent dementia
Beet juice can be used as a natural colorant on frosting (vs. chemically produced food dyes)
Substituting Whole Grain Flour for White Flour promotes heart health
Dark Chocolate (70%+ cocoa)(2 oz. eaten daily) protects against heart disease, high blood pressure
Dark Chocolate (70%+ cocoa) is a brain-boosting food & mood enhancer
Greek yogurt frosting is a source of calcium that promotes bone and dental health
Greek yogurt has less carbohydrates and more protein per serving than American yogurt
Almond milk is a great nondairy source of calcium and protein & almonds are a brain-boosting food
Coconut Oil is a healthy alternative to vegetable oil and other oils that create free radicals when heated
Honey is a natural sweetener
Agave is a natural sweetener that does not spike blood sugars